Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tate & Infantata

If you haven't already read this post from after Episode 11, or this post from before Episode 11 -- go check them out. Be warned -- creepy pictures of the infantata follow.

So basically -- in the first article I talked about the infantata and what we've learned about it. In the second article, I analyzed the relationship between Nora, Thaddeus/infantata and Tate. I suggested that a story found on the website, written by a small child was about Tate. Someone commented on the post and felt that the timeline didn't exactly match up-- which at the time, I completely agreed with.

However, once I saw the spoiler still below, I knew I was right. Let's check it out, shall we?
Ahs1120008 595.jpg

Ahs1120006 595.jpg

Take a look at these two stills -- I'm definitely thinking that's young Constance. A lot of people online are theorizing that the young boy in the photo is actually Tate's son, rapidly growing or perhaps a fast-forward in time. I don't think we've ever had a fast-forward in time, only flashbacks, so I'm ruling that out. It looks to me like this is supposed to the younger Constance and the boy looks strikingly similar to the young Tate we met last week in a flashback. 

What do you think Tate or his offspring?


  1. I'm like a year late but you make a valid point, that definitely looks like young Constance. I've only watched Season One so I will check your page out once I'm on Season 2!

  2. No. After she has gone from hairsalon where she wanted a hairdo that would make her look younger and she tells the hairdresser she has adopted a son. She hints she was meant for greater glory (to be a mom of antichrist?).

  3. The Infantata don't seem to be a ghost. As we learn in the Halloween episode and later in the series when Violet tries to escape and find out she's dead, ghosts can't leave the house, the "paramagnetic grip" that the medium talk about prevent them from doing so. If the Infantata has been killed by Nora and came back as a ghost, why would he be able to follow that Alex kid / Tate out at the camp ? It's because it's not a ghost but something else. I think when Charles brought back to "life" his son, what he did, without knowing, is he offered a body to that something else, a host that would meet its dark and fiendish nature in appearance; but surely it wasn't enough of a match, otherwise the Infantata wouldn't have hide, sustaining itself in a state between life and its original otherworldly existence. Billie Dean says, quote "The evil (...) created by events. Events that unleash psychic energy into the environment where it's absorbed like the way a battery stores energy (...) Negative energy feeds on trauma and pain. It draws those things to it. The force here in this house is larger than the many individual traumas, and it as a need. It wants to break through, it wants to move in our world, it's using those trapped between this world and the next as conduits." That evil is what brought to life the resewed body of Thaddeus. When Dean talk about this evil, she's staring at the door leading to the basement, where is/was the Infantata, where it managed to crawl out into the world, and also where took place the operations that Charles Montgomery practiced on those women. On that point, their fears, pain and guilt and the deaths of their unwanted children must have drawn and fed this entity before it can attempt to anchor itself in the physic world. So it's likely that the evil in the first place is responsible for the Frankenstein complex of Charles, considering its nature, the hunger and eagerness for life it has.
    That boy at the end isn't Tate, it's Michael, the child of Tate and Viviene, or more like the reincarnated Infantata, the antichrist. There's an interesting analogy that is made about Tate : that he's a fallen angel. I'm no believer but I know that Lucifer was an angel who's been cast down from heaven, so that he's the father of this child is quite metaphorical. Now a line of Vi to Tate, quote "I used to think you were like me, you were attracted to the darkness, but, Tate, you are the darkness" and this exchange also between Tate and Billie Dean, quote "Dean : He can't be here. (...) Tate : I want to help. Dean : You've helped enough.". He "helped". The tone at wich she say it, it can't be a good deed. So, who did he help ? Nora Montgomery ? Helping her for what ? Finding her another baby ? We discover during the last episode that she can't even take care of the stillborn baby of Viviene and then assume it is not what she wanted after all. So was it really Nora who wanted a baby, thus, was it Nora who Tate helped in the end ? It was all an act. The Darkness introduced Nora to Tate, and manipulated the both of them so that they would have that mother-son connection going on, so Tate would do anything that Nora would want, meaning anything that the Darkness would want him to do. And he did, becoming the puppet of the Darkness/Infantata, conveying it when he impregnated Viviene, and as a result permited the evil to "break through". Even I think Tate became in part the Infantata, like if it possessed him at some point, and that would be why he's killed those students, so that a shadow would grow inside him and get him to the Infantata when he would be killed by the authorites, and then the two would somehow become one. That would be why the only time we see the Infantata in the present timeline is when Tate scare Leah to the death in the basement; what's more, the light flicker during this scene. Light/darkness. Metaphor there.
